We give thanks to God for bringing Bro Tian Meng and Sis Joan together in holy matrimony on Nov 11. We were privileged to be part of a beautiful occasion where God is honored and praised. May the Lord continue to bless both of you and to use both of you in His special way for His honor and glory.
The Bible begins and ends with a wedding. It is instituted by God in the Garden of Eden and it is also used to describe the relationship between Christ (groom) and His Church (bride). This sets an example for husbands and wives on how to live out their marriages to please the Lord. Too often, we model our idea about marriages from the world. It would be better for us to re-read Paul’s exhortations in Ephesians and Galatians and use the Holy Scriptures as a blueprint to build our marriages.
As believers, we also look forward to another wedding at the end of time:
“Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage super of the Lamb!” (Rev 19:9).
Jesus Christ, the groom, will be coming back for this Church and all believers will finally be united to him.
All wedding couples make a lot of effort to plan and prepare for the big day. Likewise, believers should also prepare ourselves in anticipation of the Lord’s Return:
“Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be
in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day
of God.” 2 Peter 3:11-12a
Let us be faithful in our calling and our living. Let us not be weary in reaching out to the lost so that they too will be part of this Blessed Wedding.