The Christ-like Mind Brings Christian Joy
This year, we had the privilege of having Bro Tatu as our guest speaker for our annual Family Camp. Teaching from the book of Philippians, he drew from the richness of Paul’s letter about finding joy in our Christian life.
Christ Our Life (Philippians 1)
Paul was writing to the Philippian church from less than desirable circumstance, yet he was able to find joy. He had the single mind – concern for Christ and the gospel, instead of focusing on himself and his situation.
He drew his joy from 3 different aspects:
- The fellowship of the gospel (1:1-11)
He kept the Philippian church in his mind, heart and prayers. Through this fellowship, he could experience joy even as things were difficult.
- The furtherance of the gospel (1:12-26)
He put Christ and the gospel ahead of everything else, turning his circumstances into opportunities to magnify Christ and win souls.
- The faith of the gospel (1:27-30)
He warns about enemies that would attack and gives encouragement to the church to help them defend the faith of the gospel. He reminds them that:
they are not fighting the battles alone
they are already on the winning side
it is a privilege to suffer for Christ
Thus, he had the joyful confidence in God, knowing that He is in control.
Christ Our Example (Philippians 2)
The single mind leads to the submissive mind – seeking to live for Christ results in service and sacrifice for others. However, this can only be done through the Spirit and Word working in our lives (2:12-13). The submissive mind is one that is humbled and seeks to honour Christ. Paul brings up 4 examples to follow:
1. Christ (2:1-11)
Christ willingly laid aside His glory and became a servant. He humbled Himself to become flesh and willingly went to the cross.
2. Paul (2:12-18)
He paints depicts himself as an obedient child, seeking to honour God as well as a drink-offering for the sacrifice and service for others.
3. Timothy (19:24)
Timothy was Paul’s helper and representative and knew how to serve and sacrifice for Christ.
4. Epaphroditus (2:25-30)
He was able to balance both fellowship and service for God.
Though he was sick and almost died, his focus was on Paul and the church back at Philippi.
Christ is the Object of Our Faith (Philippians 3)
The spiritual mind is one that thinks God’s thoughts and is directed into God’s way. Drawing from Paul’s past, present and future presents a full biography of Christian life.
- Salvation – the Christian’s past (3:1-11)
Paul was religious before he was saved, but his religion could not save him. He had the best possible reputation as a Jewish rabbi and surpassed his friends in birth and training. Yet, upon meeting Christ, he counts these earthly things as nothing.
Through faith in Christ, Paul (and we) obtained true righteousness and personal knowledge of Christ.
- Sanctification – the Christian’s present (3:12-16)
Growth and progress in Christian life and service
- Glorification – the Christian’s future (3:17-21)
In the future, our earthly bodies will be changed to be like His glorious body.
As Christians, we look forward to the coming of Christ, the day of reunion, reckoning and reward.
Christ Our Strength and Supply (Philippians 4)
Worrying causes Christians to lose their happiness and peace. The secure mind is guarded by the peace from God and frees us from worry. This is only possible when we strive to have the single mind, the submissive mind and the spiritual mind.
Paul gives God’s four-fold remedy for worry:
1. God’s presence (4:1-5)
The Lord is near to help us right now. Thus, we should keep this in mind and see Him in every situation of life and let Him work out His perfect will.
2. God’s peace (4:6-9)
Peace with God comes from:
Right praying – with humble adoration, earnest desire of the heart and thanksgiving
Right thinking – meditation on the Word of God results in spiritual thinking
Right living – using the Bible as a basis for living by obeying its precepts
3. God’s power (4:10-13)
As we depend on God’s power, we can do all things through Him.
4. God’s provision (4:14-23)
God has promised to supply all our needs. Hence, we need not worry about things.
Practicing the Philippians – My Reflections
Philippians shows us the way to peace and joy in the Christian life. However, the difficulty is applying these truths in our walk with God.
The book of Philippians is not new to me, having gone through it just last year in Sunday school. Yet, this camp has made me reflect on the joyful Christian life, something that is simple, but not easy.
Here are some of my own takeaways from this camp. May it be an encouragement to others too!
1. How often do I have the single mind for Christ? As I begin on my next phase of life as a working adult, may I live for Christ in my work and to have the same joyful confidence in God as Paul had, no matter my circumstances.
2. Am I willing to have a submissive mind, to sacrifice and serve? As I live for Christ and serve in His ministry, may I do it with humility and put Christ ahead of my own selfish desires.
3. Do I have a spiritual mind or one that is focused on earthly things? In a society that emphasises the pursuit of academic achievements and career goals, may I be reminded that I have a high and heavenly calling, something that is far greater than what this world can offer.
4. Is my worrying taking away my secure mind? The problems of this world are unending, causing us to worry and lose the peace that God gives. However, may I recognise my worrying as sin and confess it to God instead of feeding it.
There is joy in serving Jesus
As I journey on my way
Joy that fills my heart with praises
Every hour and every day
True Christian joy is not freedom from problems or difficulties, but freedom in spite of them. The challenge for us as Christians is to intentionally live out these truths. Through this, may we find the joy that God has promised!