Is it right to take a vacation when there is so much Kingdom work to be done?
Jesus did not take a vacation from His ministry, but He did take times of refreshing and also ensured that His disciples had the same. At a time when “many were coming and going and they had no leisure so much as to eat,” Jesus says to His disciples, “Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place and rest a while” (Mark 6:31).
I’d believed that vacations should be moments for us to take a pause to reflect and recharge for the Lord’s Work. It also provides precious opportunities for family members to bond as the hectic pace of our lifestyles prevents us from having meaningful interactions with the family members. However when we go on vacations, we would try to squeeze in as many activities as possible that we are drained when we reach the hotels. When we return from vacation, we need to take another one to recover. Try to allocate downtime/free time during the vacation for teachable moments from God for the family.
Another matter to consider concerning vacations is stewardship. We are to be good stewards of our time and finances. It is important to spend our resources on things that have true value. A good vacation will be restorative to our souls and help us continue in our labours for the Lord. A vacation is also a reminder of the blessings from God.
So, go ahead and take the vacations. As to what kind of vacation you choose, that is a matter of conscience, resources, and practicality. A vacation can be simple or sophisticated, but, as Col 3:17 says, “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.