As we prepared to bid farewell to 2019 and welcome 2020, there were discussions on whether the year 2020 is the start of a new decade or the end of the old decade. Regardless of the definition, a new start does bring a mixture of relief, anxiety, anticipation, hope, fear etc. It promises a new beginning with endless possibilities and yet the fear of the fear of the unknown could also inflict paralysis on us.
As believers, we too suffer from these emotions and may oftentimes feel cast away. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, God wants us to know that He is always there for His children and we have therefore an Anchor that will hold us fast in the ups and downs of life.
As Shaddai turns 20 this year, we are also entering into a season of leadership transition. There is great joy in seeing the Lord nurturing our youths and young adults as they grow in His Word. In the coming years, these young ones would be taking on leadership roles in the various ministries under the guidance of the church leaders. It does sound scary for all parties but we would do well to reflect and remember His Goodness and Guidance in the past. Those moments and events in our church history where He wrought the victories for us serve as remembrance for us so that we can step forward to face the challenges boldly.
I am always reminded of the Biblical account of young David. It wasn’t false bravado that propelled him to face Goliath. Instead he remembered the faithfulness of his God in all his past encounters and therefore had the confidence to take on the seemly impossible challenge for the glory of His God. There may be many “goliaths” that the church would encounter in the coming years. However I pray that our youths and young adults would have amassed enough past encounters with God to rest in His Presence and trust in Him.
So it doesn’t matter whether 2020 is the start or end of a decade, our hope lies not in new beginnings but in the God who makes all things new. Therefore we can be confident that as His children, He will never leave us nor forsake us and His Presence will be with Shaddai as she continues to do His work and teach His word faithfully.
May the Lord continue to watch over Shaddai and bless her with His unending grace and mercy.