That’s the catch phrase of one of the Easter Tracts from the Singapore Bible Society. For many it is indeed a long weekend to rest and relax. But this historical event of Easter more than two thousand years ago demonstrated the most wonderful act of love ever recorded. God sent His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to die on a cross to pay the penalty of sin on our behalf. Jesus died, was buried, and He rose from the grave three day later and is now sitting at the right hand of God. By His death and through His life, we can now be reconciled with God.
At Calvary, the Mercy and Grace of God was on full display to the world. Jesus paid our infinite debt against God. Jesus satisfied His divine wrath and drank God’s punishment down to the last drop. God not only offers us a pardon from what we deserves (commonly referred to as mercy), but He graces us with what we do not deserve (commonly referred to as grace).
So, this Easter, I invite you to pause and remember this great act of love by God to you. May this reflection drive us to praise our God and Saviour. May we be drawn to Him and to draw others to Him too.