Parable of the Hidden Treasure & Parable of the Peal (Matthew 13:44-46)
Overview of the 2 parables:
Theme for the 2 parables: Kingdom is priceless!
● Do we have to be like the man or merchant who sold all they had to buy the field or pearl?
Not all will be called upon by God to give up his life or all his possessions. Ultimately, it is about being ready to give up all to possess Jesus - because He is priceless!
An e.g. of this is Aquilia and Priscilla - a couple dedicated to Jesus & Kingdom ministry - who were self-employed professionals (Acts 18:2) and had sufficient wealth to possess a house and host a house-church (1 Cor 16:19, Rom 16:3)
For those who worry about their kids not providing for them, God views very highly the importance of honouring parents (Eph 6:1, John 19:25-27)
● The preciousness of the Kingdom was demonstrated by Levi (Luke 5:27-29)
Levi, a former tax collector, gave up a lucrative business when he followed Jesus
He threw a great feast, reflecting his great joy from valuing the Kingdom
Despite the risk of being ridiculed, he invited his professional peers
A closer look at the Treasure:
● While some sought out the Kingdom (Nicodemus in John 3:1-2, wise men in Matt 2:1-2), some came across the Kingdom (Saul in Acts 22:6-7, Samaritan woman in John 4:28-29)
● Jesus promised joy to those in His Kingdom (John 15:11); reflected through the Philippian jailor (Acts 16:27-34)
● Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-8) & Paul (Philippians 3:8) show that:
Kingdom must be appropriated individually, by self
Jesus & Kingdom are the most priceless to self
Commitment to Kingdom is entrenched when one invests into it
Hence, implications for His saints:
● Be happy
Lord Jesus promises “joy” in His Kingdom
Appreciate the worth of His Kingdom
The joy we have in Him draws others to Him
● Invest in the Kingdom
True life is a dying to self and a thirst for Kingdom
● Sow Kingdom seeds, so that:
Others may share in Kingdom joy and know Jesus
Lord Jesus is glorified