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Sermon by EK 2 Dec 18

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Keys to the Kingdom (Matt 13:47-52)

Today’s sermon explores two parables and highlights the implications for the 21st-century church.

The parable of the Net (Matt 13:47-50)

This parable compares the Kingdom of heaven to the use of a dragnet, which catches everything along its path when used in fishing. Once the net is brought onto the shore, fishermen will sort the catch, throwing away the worthless items. In the explanation (v49), the catch represents the wicked and the just, with the wicked being picked out and thrown away. This parable is very similar to the earlier parable of the tares (covered in Matt 13:30, 39-43) regarding the mixing of good and bad, and the eventual distinction between the two groups. However, the parable of the net specifically focuses on the doomed outcome, a forecasted eternal torment in hell, of those who reject the Kingdom (v49).

The parable of the Householder (Matt 13:51-52)

This parable, with emphasis on old and new treasures (v52), describes God’s people possessing previous knowledge about the Kingdom, having acquired new knowledge into the Kingdom, and using both old and new knowledge to proclaim Jesus to the world. This is depicted by a house owner using both old and new wares to host guests.

This concept is exemplified through the Apostles:

● In John 20:30-31, John combined both old and new knowledge to declare that Jesus is the Messiah

● In Acts 2, Peter’s address contained old knowledge about the Messiah (v16,21) and new knowledge about His identity (v31)

● In Acts 13:22-23, Paul also did likewise

There are 3 implications from these parables ...

  1. Warning of eternal judgement and point of no return. Hell awaits those who reject Jesus Christ, and every soul will have to make a decision before it is too late (when the fishermen start to sort the catch in the parable or when Christ returns).

  2. Christians hold the keys to unlock the Kingdom of God for others. In Matt 16:18-19, the “keys of the Kingdom of heaven” was given to Peter. We, in the present day church, have been given the Word and new knowledge to open the hearts of people to the Kingdom. Hence, it is our duty to proclaim Christ to the world.

  3. Kingdom ministry is not an individual effort. When the dragnet is being used, there are some fishermen doing the boating and others pulling the net, sorting the catch, and selling the valuable fishes. Likewise, the Gospel ministry is, and requires, a team effort from the church of Jesus Christ. We pool our resources and abilities together for the work of our Lord, playing our given roles and contributing to the Kingdom’s expansion.

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matt 16:18-19)

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