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Sermon by EK 27 May 18

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

A Tribute to my Teacher, Mentor and Father (2 Timothy)

My Dear Teacher

As a teacher, Paul taught Timothy the Word, how to persevere and the importance of passing it on.

1. Word (1:13-14)

  • Paul had expounded the Word to Timothy, showing him the glory of Christ

  • Showed him that the cross isn’t just about Christ crucified, but it’s also about us humbly submitting to Christ

  • Constantly reminding him to cling on to the Word with his dear life

2. Persevere (1:8)

  • He taught the concept of perseverance and endurance and to not be ashamed of the Word, even as afflictions and mockings come his way.

3. Passing it on (2:10)

  • So that the Word can be proclaimed, and passed on from one to another that the elect may obtain salvation in Christ.

In the qualitative aspect Paul, the teacher, was patient, yet set high standards for Timothy.

1. Paul was patient despite Timothy being shy and timid (1:7)

2. Paul demanded a high standard of what Timothy should achieve as a servant of God, to study (2:15) and endure the hardship of ministry (2:3).

My Dear Mentor

  • Good teaching is not just transmitting theory, but modelling and letting others see what you are trying to teach through your life.

  • Paul modelled himself for Timothy the very teachings he taught and showed Timothy the joy in living out those teachings.

As a mentor, Paul modelled these things in life for Timothy to see:

A. Material Contentment (4:13)

Paul instructing Timothy to bring his coat and parchments showed that as a servant of God, there is no need for much material comfort or luxury. It is good that we are blessed but material possessions are not the essentials of life and does not change our life as a servant of God

B. Being gentle, patient and meek (2:24-25)

Paul’s ministry was traumatic as he was imprisoned, whipped, spat at, stoned and nearly died. Paul believed that as a servant of the Lord, one must not strive when facing objections, and be meek even when facing opposition, as there is a chance that God will give this people repentance such that they can come to embrace the truth of God

C. Have A Child-like Faith (4:17-18; 1:12)

Paul demonstrated walking with Christ with great faith that God will take care of him. People will fail and leave but Jesus will not abandon him. Throughout Paul’s ministry, Jesus delivered him countless times and through these deliverances, he is strengthened for the next challenge to come.

D. How to live though persecutions (3:11)

Paul willingly stepped into the ministry knowing the persecutions will come. He himself persecuted Christians before he became one and understands what lies before him when he steps into the ministry. However, his attitude towards all these persecution was to endure.

E. Long-suffering (1:15, 2:17-18, 4:10, 4:14, 4:16)

Paul made many friends throughout his ministry but some turned away from the faith, some betrayed him and some abandoned him. Through it all, Paul endured the pain of discouragement and betrayal, and pressed on.

F. Forgiveness (4:16)

Yet through all the hurt caused, Paul forgave them. Against Mark, whom he had a major disagreement previously (4:11), he bore no grudges and reminded Timothy to bring him along to meet him. Paul also prayed for forgiveness for those who forsook him, very similar to Christ at the cross and Stephen at the point of their executions.

G. Fellowship in Christ (4:10-21) (Rom 16:23) (Acts 19:22)

Paul’s ministry life is filled with many diverse people with very varied interest. They could all come together and enjoy a deep and rich fellowship in Jesus Christ. He showed Timothy how to form and cultivate deep, meaningful and lasting relationships in Jesus Christ.

H. His life is all about God, Gospel and People(4:16-17)

For all the afflictions he faced in ministry, what mattered to him was:

1. That God was with him and that God was glorified.

2. That the Gospel was proclaimed.

3. The well-being of other people, especially their lives in Christ

My Dear Father

As a father figure, Paul nurtured Timothy, loved him and prayed for him (1:2-6)

  • He taught and reminded him to treasure the Word

  • He sensed Timothy’s gifting from God and encouraged him to pursue it so that others may benefit

  • He prayed continually for Timothy

  • He loved Timothy intensely and immensely, teaching and modelling to him the love of Christ.

Life of a Christian

The beginning of a believer’s eternity starts when God calls and the Spirit works in him (1:9-10). On this side of eternity, the Christian’s journey is the proclamation of the gospel of Christ. This is done, not through our own strength, but by the grace of Jesus Christ (2:1-2). We must always go to our Lord for grace and, when strengthened, lead other people into that very grace of Jesus.

Having continually claimed the grace of Christ, at the close of his journey on earth, Paul told Timothy that he had “fought a good fight, finished the course and kept the faith” (4:6-8). The mentor showed his disciple how a believer should transfix his gaze at the glory awaiting him. This is how a Christian life will be transformed and energized. This is how Timothy ought to mentor those coming up after him.

Do we strive to mentor and inspire the next generation Christians to live a life that glorifies Jesus? A life of constant love and submission to The Lord of Rest.

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