The Proud, The Humble, The Almighty
1 Peter 5:5-7
1 Peter was written to Christians who were undergoing severe Roman persecution.
The Proud
“God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble”
God hates the prideful because it seeks to rob God of his glory, which is one of the things He is particular about. The core of pride is “me” (i.e. the individual) and believing that we are the centre of the universe, instead of God. Pride results in the elevation of a person on a pedestal, in place of God, and stripping God of His glory.
Some behaviours of a proud person:
refusing to trust God
rebelling against God’s authority
“I’m always right” (having a spirit that refuses instruction/reason, rejects counsel)
“good is because of me” and forgetting that it comes from God
“me & myself is all I need”, finding no satisfaction in Jesus Christ and working against God
The word “resist” in the verse coveys the meaning where an army arrays itself in battle formation. Almighty God sets Himself in battle formation against the proud – what a terrifying prospect!
The Humble
“humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time:”
Peter talks about being humble before Almighty God, and as a result, God will exalt and give glory to the humble, in due time.
“all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility”
Peter’s call for humility arises from his call for Christians to submit to one another. God gives different skills to His people in a church to fill the gaps. As a result, there should be mutual submission, eg of elders to the flock by using the skills that God has given to them (e.g. teaching, leading) and of the flock to the elders. Hence, there needs to be a spirit of humility for mutual submission to happen.
Humanly, submission with all humility is a “problem”, and a big ask, as it goes against what the world preaches. Submission can generate anxieties e.g. being weak, not standing up for rights and a sense that there is a loss of control.
The Almighty
“casting all your care upon him; for He careth for you.”
The word “casting” is the same word used as placing all the burdens on an ass or donkey. Thus, the anxieties arising from submitting to others is to be taken care of by placing those anxieties upon God, with a faith that He is Almighty and He cares, and not trying to take it back upon ourselves.
By placing faith in God, He will give the grace to overcome and be contented, and this cycle continues when we continue to place faith in God.
The Model
Peter got the notion of “be clothed with humility” from Christ
“be clothed” describes a servant putting on his serving apron, ready to serve others.
Peter would have seen it when Jesus washed the feet of Peter and the other Apostles, and was happy to be submitting and cleaning their feet as He trusted in His Father and His promise (John 13:1-17)
Hence, as followers of Jesus Christ and having seen His example, we too should submit to one another.